
Export in the hot spot

Ilya Pharma and Evelina Vågesjö participated in a panel discussion with Ann Linde, Sweden´s Minister of EU affairs and trade. The subject was how to strengthen the export potential in the business region Uppsala.

Other participants to discuss this was Bo Lundström, GE Healthcare, Jonas Pålgård, Check Proof and Per Bengtson, CEO at Uppsala Innovation Center. Moderator was Uppsala`s business director, Charlotte Skott. The panel discussion took place in Hubben, Glunten Science Park.

Ann Linde introduced the subject by saying that exports is one of the hottest political issues at the moment and also that some of the world's most competitive companies comes from Sweden. And as a region, Uppsala is growing the most in Sweden right now. She also said that in Uppsala there is a tradition of close cooperation between academia, companies and agencies. Something she referred to as the "triple helix", as a possible reason behind Uppsala´s success as a region. She also said that Uppsala has really proven that successful companies can grow out of research. The importance of having a big airport ten minutes away was also contributing to Uppsala´s success as a business region especially for global companies such as GE Healthcare, said Bo Lundström. Other key factors were Uppsala´s established innovation cluster, such as Uppsala Innovation Centre, just appointed the fourth best incubator in the world and with close collaborations with other incubators in the EU.

"I think we have been able to really establish a good culture here in Uppsala. You share experience and knowledge and a lot of people with experience of both building successful companies and launches on international markets share their knowledge and they want to help you to succeed. On our journey we have had a lot of help and support from UIC and I don´t think there is a better place than Uppsala to establish a Pharma company such as Ilya Pharma”, Evelina Vågesjö says.