The medical research behind the innovation in Ilya Pharma featured in TV programme about new and important science, Vetenskapen Värld
Starts at minute 28.
Starts at minute 28.
Watch Evelina presenting ILYA Pharma´s core invention, how it is used to accelerate wound healing and the development plan the next year. Ilya Pharma is developing the next generation live biotherapeutical products for treatment of different skin wounds and also indications in the gastrointestinal tract.
Mia Phillipson describes her research of behavior on immune cells in the body in a production from Wallenbergstiftelserna. Enjoy! Discoveries in Professor Phillipson laboratory have led to the design of the drug candidates developed by ILYA Pharma and also that we now know the mechanism how wound healing is accelerated with our treatment.
Uppsala University paper, page 30. Article in swedish.
This magazine is not online, link to table of contents for SårMagasinet #4, 2016, page 42.